Reviewed by Joy Wentzel
This is the world of the ultramarathoners--a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners. I enjoyed the McDougall's perspective and knowledge of ultrarunning, how running has evolved over the years (not all in a positive direction), and how inspirational it is to know that we are Born To Run. For centuries, the reclusive Tarahumara Indians of Mexico have practiced techniques that have allowed them to run hundreds of miles without rest, or chase down game. This superhuman talent is matched by remarkable health and serenity, with a much higher immunity from disease. I also enjoyed The Read-Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease. This book reinstilled the fact that literacy and the love of reading opens the world to us. I also appreciated its list of recommended books. And now, for a wildly popular novel of murder, mystery and mayhem, there is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, by Steig Larsson. I wasn't overly impressed by the writing quality of this book, but I trudged through it.
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